Meet Pumpkin

Pumpkins story
We adopted Pumpkin when she was 8 weeks old. Pumpkin couldn't use her
back legs. Her story went viral and people donated thousands of pounds
for her treatment. Unfortunately an MRI scan reviled her spine and legs
and been broken We were devastated. The specialist said Pumpkin would
never walk again . Pumpkin isn't in pain, she is paralysed from the waist down and also double incontinent. Pumpkin is loved by us her family so much and
we will do anything for her.
Pumpkins life will be on wheels She is such a happy determined dog, nothing holds her back. Her life is full of adventures and happiness. She is a disabled
dog advocate and a therapy dog . Spreading joy and happiness wherever
she goes.
Before Pumpkin I had never met a dog on wheels or a dog wearing a
nappy. I'd always frowned upon dogs in pushchairs! I was completely
ignorant . But now I understand and realise how important it is to raise awareness for disabled animals. Animals just like Pumpkin.
We have now set up a registered charity called Pumpkin and Friends 1199484. Slowly we are changing the world. Desperately raising the awareness and
the importance of disabled animals. Also supporting and helping families of disabled animals .
Having a disability isn't a death sentence. It's the beginning of a brand new adventure

Therapy visits

Wheelchair & stroller loan
Pumpkins charity helps animals with disabilities. We provide free wheelchairs and strollers. For more information please email

Support Pumpkin
Donate to Pumpkin
Pumpkin requires weekly hydrotherapy, physiotherapy and red laser treatment's. This is to keep her front legs strong and prevent them from injury.